Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting My Discipline Muscles Strengthened

I am a believer that we all must work hard and think about making healthy and happy choices because doing so will help us in all aspects of our life later on. Is it always easy to do? Definately not. It takes a lot of discipline and hard work. Do I always feel like working out?, NO! Do I always feel like eating and cooking healthy?, NO! Sometimes do I just feel like going to the mall and buying something I dont need just because I want to? YES. Every day I work on strengthening my discipline muscle. I want them to get stronger and stronger every single day. It is definately a challenge to do what is right. We sometimes eat or buy things we really deep down did not want or need out of boredom or sadness or loneliness in the hope to brighten our days but afterwards it can make us feel worse in the long run. It is fine to treat ourselves. I believe we all must do that from time to time. We must do it for the correct reasons however. I am cleaning out closets and drawers in my home every day this week. Im throwing out the clutter with the knowledge that having a peaceful environment will make me much happier than had I jammed one more thing in that was not needed. I will then applaud my work and make a pedicure appointment. A small treat that will keep the calm feeling within me to work out my discipline muscles again next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna, I'm so glad to have found you here. Thanks for leaving your site at WD Happiness Blog. I enjoyed reading your posts. Life is definitely an adventure, and I am often amazed at how often the unexpected can turn into a blessing.

    Come over an visit me at my own blog:

    I love hearing from you! Deb
